Fani Atmanti presented "The OMO Project, A Magnificent of Asian Aesthetic" in Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo Vol.154. Her idea is turning scavenged timber of a great civilization into a contemporary everyday product.
Fani Atmanti is currently investigating structural concepts and exploring the adaptive reuse of a traditional wooden house in Bawomataluo village, Nias Island Indonesia. Her other creative pursuit involves a collaboration with a local carpenter and Singaporean designer Karyn Lim to create a bag she has named “OMO” which dons v-pattern cuts in its outer wooden skin, allowing it to transform from a flat surface into a three-dimensional volume. Fani Atmantiは、インドネシア、二アス島Bawomataluo村の伝統的な木製家屋の、最適な再利用方法と、ストラクチャーコンセプトのリサーチをし ています。また、彼女のクリエイティビティへの探究心は、地元の職人とのコラボレーションや、シンガポールデザインナーKarynLimとの、木の皮をv-パターンにカットした素材を利用した、2Dから3Dへ変形可能な“OMO”というバックの共同制作にまで及んでいます。 Audio File : Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo
Exhibition Archives
June 2024