Tananusa stands for "Cerita Tanah Nusantara," which translates to "Stories of the Archipelago." It is a project dedicated to sharing narratives about Indonesia’s Indigenous knowledge. Tananusa has produced two books titled "Structural Genius" and "Gumi Sasak: Space in the Sasak World." These books are authored by Fani Atmanti and Dini Aiko, Indonesian architects based in Japan and Germany.
The books reveal the local wisdom of the Nias and Sasak peoples. The two authors conducted in-depth research in these villages, living alongside the villagers for several months, and carrying out on-site surveys. All architectural drawings, graphics, photographs, essays, and hand-drawn illustrations in the books were created by the authors themselves.
Tananusa stands for "Cerita Tanah Nusantara," which translates to "Stories of the Archipelago." It is a project dedicated to sharing narratives about Indonesia’s Indigenous knowledge. Tananusa has produced two books titled "Structural Genius" and "Gumi Sasak: Space in the Sasak World." These books are authored by Fani Atmanti and Dini Aiko, Indonesian architects based in Japan and Germany.
The books reveal the local wisdom of the Nias and Sasak peoples. The two authors conducted in-depth research in these villages, living alongside the villagers for several months, and carrying out on-site surveys. All architectural drawings, graphics, photographs, essays, and hand-drawn illustrations in the books were created by the authors themselves.
Indonesia Indigenous Knowledge Series 2 : GUMI SASAK
available now at GA Gallery, Tokyo
GUMI SASAK : Space in Sasak World
Sade and Segenter Village, Lombok Island
This book explores the connection of space, customary law and ancestor`s belief in two traditional villages called Segenter and Sade of Sasak tribe in Lombok Island. The macro space in both villages was formed by the role of local intangible culture and the sanctity of Mount Rinjani. Gumi Sasak book shows a research journey that gives a deeper understanding of the importance of cultural values of Sasak’s living space and gives an honest and genuine idea about the creation of space, creativity, and craftsmanship.
Photo credit : Dini Aiko (Tananusa)
Publisher : PERETAS
Indonesia National Library : PERPUSNAS
Photo credit : Dini Aiko (Tananusa)
Publisher : PERETAS
Indonesia National Library : PERPUSNAS
Indonesia Indigenous Knowledge Series 2 Book
GUMI SASAK : Space in Sasak World
Sade and Segenter Village, Lombok Island
A5 Portrait
15.5cm x 22.5cm
196 Pages Hardcover
In Bahasa and English
Images: watercolor illustration, selected photographs, architectural drawings, freehand sketch
Bonus : Postcards (Watercolor drawing & Exclusive Photograph)
With premium box packaging
1 tote bag (35cm x 45cm)
1 pouch (14cm x 20cm)
OPEN PRE ORDER (Limited and Regular)
Limited 550.000 IDR | Regular 375.000 IDR (excluding shipping fee)
15.5cm x 22.5cm
196 Pages Hardcover
In Bahasa and English
Images: watercolor illustration, selected photographs, architectural drawings, freehand sketch
Bonus : Postcards (Watercolor drawing & Exclusive Photograph)
With premium box packaging
1 tote bag (35cm x 45cm)
1 pouch (14cm x 20cm)
OPEN PRE ORDER (Limited and Regular)
Limited 550.000 IDR | Regular 375.000 IDR (excluding shipping fee)
Please click the botton below to PRE ORDER.
Structural Genius book is available in libraries worldwide
You can find our book at the :
Leiden Library, Netherlands
Keio Library, Tokyo
Minna no Mori media Cosmos Library, Gifu
Universitas Indonesia Library, Jakarta
Leiden Library, Netherlands
Keio Library, Tokyo
Minna no Mori media Cosmos Library, Gifu
Universitas Indonesia Library, Jakarta
Indonesia Indigenous Knowledge Series 1 :
Structural Genius
Structural Genius Book available in NANYODO Bookshop TOKYO
私たちの本「Structural Genius」ついに来日しました!
More info : NANYODO
More info : NANYODO
Special Price: SOLD OUT!
Regular Price: IDR 300.000 Price for Europe: 30 euro *exclude shipping fee Delivery Service : JNE Regular / EMS Post (the book will be shipped from Jakarta at the end of September 2020) DHL from Hamburg to EU (end of November 2020) Order Form : Indonesia Europe We will send you the invoice after we have received your order form. Thank you! |
Indonesia Indigenous Knowledge Series 1 : Structural Genius
Bawömataluo Village, Nias Island -- A5 Portrait 14cm x 22cm 128 Pages Hardcover In Bahasa and English Images: watercolor illustration, selected photographs, architectural drawings, freehand sketch Bonus : Postcards (Watercolor drawing & Exclusive Photograph) With custom-made box packaging |
Cerita Tanah Nusantara
IG : @tananusa
Sebuah catatan kecil, sketsa, dan foto membawa ingatan,
ingatan lama, ingatan lama itu lalu menjelma menjadi sebuah ekspresi. |
Generasi silih berganti,
kebutuhan baru mulai berdatangan, desa lalu didefinisikan menjadi kekurangan Modernitas, memacu kita ke masa depan, memunculkan ketidakpuasan, ketidakpuasan menjadi rasa ingin tahu, rasa ingin tahu itu lalu menjadi kritik, yang pada akhirnya ditujukan untuk diri kita sendiri |
Hidup di kota yang padat,
ruang vertikal menjadi tempat hidup dan bekerja. Batas kaku yang memisahkan ruang dalam dan luar, membuat kita tak mampu merasakan pesona dunia: kicauan burung, warna senja, suara ombak samudera, harum kayu di hutan belantara. Tulisan ini merupakan ekspresi rasa ingin tahu kami, terhadap tanah nusantara, tentang bagaimana kabar ia hari ini. |