Structural system : wood
Materials : wood Site area : 999 m2 Building Area : 177.1 m2 Total floor area : 219 m2 Exhibition : GA Gallery, Tokyo
Clothes signify characteristic, values and social status and not merely to protect the body. Clothes can also distinguish profession, group identity, and nation. The function of clothes keep on developing along with political and social changes as well as industrial revolution which provides material to make clothes.
Yogyakarta Royal Court as one of the centres of Javanese Culture provides a lot example in relation to clothes and civilization. Within the royal court, the dress code for men and women are strictly regulated. The regulations define the styles, material, as well as the pattern of dress based on philosophycal meaning. The dress code in Yogyakarta Royal Court is so called "Awisan Dalem" regulates clothing based on social status. The clothes also reflect acculturation of Javanese and foreign culture, mainly Europe. The later had introduced its influence during the colonization since the establishment of Yogyakarta Sultanate until the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The clothes and civilization are the main topic for the International Symposium held by the Royal Palace of Yogyakarta. The symposium and exhibition gave souvenirs for the audience and participants who is involved to the event. The idea of the souvenir is inspired by the mythical bird which always appears in many old manuscripts and in one the of the Sultan`s batik. This mythical bird is from the Serat Babad Giyanti manuscript. It is reinterpreted and transformed into keychain and a buckle belt. The keychain is a gift for the media person who attend the pers conference and the buckle belt is for the invitation guest of Abalakuswa exhibition. Photo credit : Jovanchen Date & Place : March 2020, The Kasultanan Ballroom, Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta
Photo credit : Tepas Tandha Yekti, M.Rizal, Jovanchen Fani Atmanti has designed a symposium set for International Symposium on Attire and Civilization in the Palace of Yogyakarta. This international symposium aims to celebrate the 30th coronation anniversary of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X based on Gregorian Calendar, and to recall history, culture, and knowledge, from research related with the Royal Court of Yogyakarta. This symposium is expected to facilitate the academics, researchers, and Javanese cultur enthusiasts, especially those having interest in the Royal Court, in sharing their ideas on four sub-topics, namely history, philology, art performance, and socio-cultural aspects. The fourth subtopic on socio-culture will be arranged to accommodate all fields related to the Javanese teachings, which can include psychology, education, politics, gender studies, and many others. The symposium set comprises notebook with the Angling Darma manuscript printed inside, plisket tote bag, engraved pen, and symposium box with custom acrylic as the ID card. Each one has the maroon color. The color tone was picked from sogan color (batik material). More info about the event : SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE Date & Place : March 2020, Bangsal Pagelaran Siti Hinggil , Yogyakarta
Photo credit : Tepas Tandha Yekti, Kraton Jogja, Janoe Dhimaz Fani Atmanti has designed a buckle belt using brass with distressed finishing. The souvenir is hand made product, created by the artisans who live in the oldest district in Yogyakarta. The illustration of the mythical bird was taken from the Babad Giyanti manuscripts, it was redrawed (hand sketch) by Fani Atmanti and edited digitally. The ABALAKUSWA exhibition is part of activities to celebrate the jubilee (Tingalan Jumenengan Dalem) of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Title of the exhibition is Abalakuswa: Royal Attire in the Palace of Yogyakarta”. Abalakuswa itself means fascinating royal attires. The exhibition aims to give information about the royal attire and civilization in the Palace of Yogyakarta. It is also about the spirit of modernity that has outreached the way people dress in Yogyakarta under the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X. However, the traditional clothing has persisted in gender identification, art performances, professions and authorities in The Palace of Yogyakarta. Fani Atmanti thinks that inclusivity in Indonesia creative environment is really important because there are rich cultures in Indonesia. Inclusivity itself is about appreciate and respect the different in age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, education, and national origin. Indonesia has many ethnics, skillful craftsman,and rich cultures. It is so important for young people in Indonesia to collaborate with the local craftsman tp create some meaningful masterpiece. The masterpiece itself is not only about the artistic and aesthetic but should also be intelligent where the product provide the problem solving of some issues in Indonesia. It will also help the development of Indonesian's Creative Economy. Collaborator : Karyn Lim Date November 1st 2019
Place : PAGELARAN (Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat) Client : The Royal Court of Yogyakarta Booklet designed for the opening of Sekaten Exhibition 2019. 32 pages fullcolor cover : materica grey and linemaster green content : bookpaper paper binding : metal production : Anang Saptoto Date : July 2019 Place : National Design Center Singapore and 1A Tyrwhitt Rd Photo credit : Karyn Lim Date : June 18th 2019
Place : Kraton Kilen (Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Designed for the Tingkeban Ceremony event of GKR Hayu. Tingkeban Ceremony is Javanese Prenatal Ceremony held during the seventh month of pregnancy for the first pregnancy. The invitation, booklet and souvenir use 2 important tone which is a reflection from the tone inside Jogja Palace (green and yellow). While, the wahyu tumurun pattern is chosen for the design illustration because wahyu tumurun pattern has a philosophy of hope that the users get directions, blessing, mercy and abundant grace of God Almighty. To know more about the Tingkeban Ceremony, please refer this link. (it`s a pdf file of the booklet in Bahasa Indonesia). Design for International Symposium on Javanese Studies and Manuscripts of Keraton Yogyakarta5/16/2019 Date & Place : The Kasultanan Ballroom, Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta
Photo credit : Tepas Tandha Yekti, personal collection, jovanchen, Sonobudoyo museum Fani Atmanti has designed merchandise set and stage backdrop for International Symposium on Javanese Studies and Manuscripts of Keraton Yogyakarta. This international symposium aims to celebrate the 30th coronation anniversary of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X based on Gregorian Calendar, and to recall history, culture, and knowledge, from the Javanese manuscripts related with the Royal Court of Yogyakarta. The merchandise set comprises notebook, printed cotton tote bag, vegetable tanned leather book cover, engraved pen, and bookmark. Each one (except the pen) has the light brown & grey color. The color tone was picked from the old manuscript. The tone were chosen to achieve the timeless allure and gorgeous. The main concept is using one of the element from one old manuscript which has been returned by the British. Ambiya manuscripts has became one of the inspiration for the symposium. The illustration was taken from the ambiya manuscripts, it was redrawing (hand sketch) by Fani Atmanti and edited digitally. The tote bag is printed with the M symbol which is stand for Manuscripts. The vegetable tanned leather is hand-made and it is carefully crafted. More info about the event : SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE BRITISH LIBRARY`S NEWS 【TSUKU×TSUKU vol.1 つくば X はたらく】
Date & Place : March 17th 2018 at Cafe Berger, Tsukuba City 画像提供:PHOTO BY MIKI CHISHAKI Fani Atmanti was invited to become one of the speaker in TSUKU X TSUKU event which was held on March 17th 2018 in Cafe Berger, Tsukuba City. She presented about her activities in Tsukuba University such as her research on cultural architecture in Nias Island Indonesia and its adaptive reuse, her experimental project "OMO Nias Series", her idea of Tsukuba City and she also explained how her hometown which is an old town in Java Island "Yogyakarta" influences her as a designer and architect. After the presentations session, each presentator with some audience had a little discussion about Tsukuba City. Each group discuss about the future potential of Tsukuba City. Fani Atmanti's group thought that Tsukuba has great potential of future technology innovation and heritage cultural property but only few people have awareness to its potentials. Tsukuba Centre should be developed more to connect the hidden potential of Tsukuba City. So the idea is developing some open space in near Tsukuba Centre which invites people from Kanto area such to visit Tsukuba. The 広場/open space should be intriguing and invites youth to gather in Tsukuba Centre area. |
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