Tanö Mbanua: Revealing the Connection Between Omo and Forest in Nias Island
The Omo Hada and Omo Sebua stilt houses on Nias Island are remarkable examples of intricate craftsmanship. Local master carpenters skillfully construct these aesthetically pleasing and complex structures, embellishing them with rich festive designs. This traditional wooden architecture not only highlights the carpenters' expertise but also embodies a deep connection to the natural environment. The tanö mbanua, a village forest, holds profound importance as a vital source of life and inspiration for the community. Obrolan Heritage #85 by Fani Atmanti (Arsitek dan mahasiswa doktoral Universitas Tsukuba), moderator : Gun Faisal, ST., M.Sc., IAI (Badan Pelestarian IAI Nasional). Youtube link : Tanö Mbanua Event Link : IAI Jakarta This event was organized in collaboration with : - Indonesian Architects Association - Architectural Documentation Center - Department of Architecture, Trisakti University
Article from NANYODO Bookshop
「伝統住居の継承」について考えさせられる本が2冊、入荷致しました! 「丗 SEI/徳田邸 - 京都 生きる喜び」https://bit.ly/34mkYBH では、京都の築100年を超える町家の改修「徳田邸」を写真・図面・テキストで紹介。改修を任された西沢立衛氏は、先人が遺したディテール(工夫)の痕跡について思いを巡らせます。そして、インドネシア・ニアス島の伝統住居を丹念に調査した「Structural Genius」https://bit.ly/3m6tBGy 。構造やプランだけでなく、住居がコミュニティ形成に果たす役割についても考察しています。 In our modern society, we have been obsessed with steady improvement and perfection since our modern era has started. As a result, many architects have been working hard to realize their ideas based on their clients life style that they can live efficiently. On the other hand, the traditional houses have a bigger challenge to respond to changes in times. There are two new published books introducing different approaches. The first one is "Structural Genius" a research book written by the Indonesian architects, Fani Atmanti and Dini Aiko. They report about Nias Island in Indonesia, where are remains of traditional wooden houses called Omo Hada which design influenced by a ship structure. They have completely adapted to the environment, included religion and their community. Nevertheless many villagers try to modernize their life with changing the intended meaning of the old rooms. The village in the book became a tourist attraction thus the villagers have to take the middle of the tradition and the updating. The second, "SEI | Tokuda House Kyoto Joy of Life" is showing us that the traditional building have a potential to be passed down in various ways and still remain in the next generation. The architect Ryue Nishizawa who renovated the Tokuda house and confronted the Japanese tradition said : “I learned a great deal from working on a machiya, which is a cornucopia of details cleverly crafted by many artisans. I never tire of admiring the streetscapes of Kyoto and the substantial details of each building - all traces of human thought and cleverness.” Both books makes us think about our ancestors who lived fully cherishing their own values. That lead us to the question, what kind of values should we have in the world when dealing in the midst of uncertainty about the future? credit photo : NANYODO BOOKSHOP On July 2-12th 2017, I got a chance to join 41st WHC session as part of Global Network of World Heritage Studies team. Our team joined as observer during the WHC session, joined some world heritage field trip in Krakow and initiated a global world heritage networking event in Krakow.
The World Heritage Convention was created in an effort to salvage cultural and natural heritage in a world where heritage sites were being damaged and threatened by armed conflicts, environmental destruction, and the side-effects of rapid economic development. Today, even though more than 40 years have passed since the adoption of the World Heritage Convention, those problems still persist, while the international community is also facing recently developed problems in the form of climate change, growing political conflicts, and a new rise of extremist ideologies. At the same time, the methods and practices of heritage management, evaluation and protection do not keep up with the speed of the times. This is probably partly due to the fact that the methods for recognizing and evaluating heritage often keep the concepts of culture and nature, as well as tangible and intangible heritage, separated and handle them individually. In reality, culture and nature, tangible and intangible heritage, are all interlinked and interrelated, and it is necessary to develop methodologies that can comprehensively handle complex contexts. With that ambition in mind, the Global Network of World Heritage Studies was created to exchange ideas, establish relations and build cooperation among people interested in heritage. Both students, experts, local stakeholders and other interested parties are welcome and together we can strive to develop new methodologies for heritage management and protection. We aim to protect the valuable traces of the past for the future, and to give the next generation a chance to do the same. More info about the Global Network of World Heritage Studies : website 41 World Heritage Committee Session Photo credit : © fot. Paweł Suder, Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa |
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