OMO transformation bag is a collaboration work with Singaporean designer Karyn Lim and it has been selected as Tokyo Designart U30 on October 2022.
This year, OMO was exhibited for 2 days in OMO SEBUA (tawolo area) and open to public. Fani Atmanti also present in front of Bawomataluo Villages member and share her story about the idea behind OMO bag, the collaboration with Karyn Lim, and their collaboration with Bawomataluo`s wood craftsman Ama Sermon (Mustafa Nehe).
OMO transformation bag`s story, a collaboration with Karyn Lim and exhibition in Designart Tokyo is featured in Home & Decor Magazine April 2023.
web : Home & Decor Singapore OMO bag created by Fani Atmanti and Karyn Lim was mentioned on Channels News Asia article.
Article : Photos : left : OMO (brown version) right : transformation bag by Karyn Lim Fani Atmanti presented "The OMO Project, A Magnificent of Asian Aesthetic" in Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo Vol.154. Her idea is turning scavenged timber of a great civilization into a contemporary everyday product.
Fani Atmanti is currently investigating structural concepts and exploring the adaptive reuse of a traditional wooden house in Bawomataluo village, Nias Island Indonesia. Her other creative pursuit involves a collaboration with a local carpenter and Singaporean designer Karyn Lim to create a bag she has named “OMO” which dons v-pattern cuts in its outer wooden skin, allowing it to transform from a flat surface into a three-dimensional volume. Fani Atmantiは、インドネシア、二アス島Bawomataluo村の伝統的な木製家屋の、最適な再利用方法と、ストラクチャーコンセプトのリサーチをし ています。また、彼女のクリエイティビティへの探究心は、地元の職人とのコラボレーションや、シンガポールデザインナーKarynLimとの、木の皮をv-パターンにカットした素材を利用した、2Dから3Dへ変形可能な“OMO”というバックの共同制作にまで及んでいます。 Audio File : Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo OMO OMO bag was exhibited at
Tokyo Design Week 2016 (Debut Exhibition) tokyo design week Meiji-jingu Gaien Mae, Tokyo 2-7 November 2016 Collaborator : Karyn Lim purchase and inquiry : contact me |
Exhibition Archives
December 2024