Tepas Tandha Yekti office was spotted on the Channel News Asia in the program : ASEAN’s Next Generation Leaders (ANGeLs) Ep 10: GKR Hayu (Indonesia) Collaborator : Santai Furniture, Anang Saptoto, Original Link : Channel News Asia
Structural system : wood
Materials : wood Site area : 999 m2 Building Area : 177.1 m2 Total floor area : 219 m2 Exhibition : GA Gallery, Tokyo Clothes signify characteristic, values and social status and not merely to protect the body. Clothes can also distinguish profession, group identity, and nation. The function of clothes keep on developing along with political and social changes as well as industrial revolution which provides material to make clothes.
Yogyakarta Royal Court as one of the centres of Javanese Culture provides a lot example in relation to clothes and civilization. Within the royal court, the dress code for men and women are strictly regulated. The regulations define the styles, material, as well as the pattern of dress based on philosophycal meaning. The dress code in Yogyakarta Royal Court is so called "Awisan Dalem" regulates clothing based on social status. The clothes also reflect acculturation of Javanese and foreign culture, mainly Europe. The later had introduced its influence during the colonization since the establishment of Yogyakarta Sultanate until the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The clothes and civilization are the main topic for the International Symposium held by the Royal Palace of Yogyakarta. The symposium and exhibition gave souvenirs for the audience and participants who is involved to the event. The idea of the souvenir is inspired by the mythical bird which always appears in many old manuscripts and in one the of the Sultan`s batik. This mythical bird is from the Serat Babad Giyanti manuscript. It is reinterpreted and transformed into keychain and a buckle belt. The keychain is a gift for the media person who attend the pers conference and the buckle belt is for the invitation guest of Abalakuswa exhibition. Photo credit : Jovanchen Date & Place : March 2020, The Kasultanan Ballroom, Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta
Photo credit : Tepas Tandha Yekti, M.Rizal, Jovanchen Fani Atmanti has designed a symposium set for International Symposium on Attire and Civilization in the Palace of Yogyakarta. This international symposium aims to celebrate the 30th coronation anniversary of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X based on Gregorian Calendar, and to recall history, culture, and knowledge, from research related with the Royal Court of Yogyakarta. This symposium is expected to facilitate the academics, researchers, and Javanese cultur enthusiasts, especially those having interest in the Royal Court, in sharing their ideas on four sub-topics, namely history, philology, art performance, and socio-cultural aspects. The fourth subtopic on socio-culture will be arranged to accommodate all fields related to the Javanese teachings, which can include psychology, education, politics, gender studies, and many others. The symposium set comprises notebook with the Angling Darma manuscript printed inside, plisket tote bag, engraved pen, and symposium box with custom acrylic as the ID card. Each one has the maroon color. The color tone was picked from sogan color (batik material). More info about the event : SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE |
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December 2024